
Production Blog

DAY 8 (Tuesday, August 26) Act 2 scene 1, Act 1 scene 1, Act 2 scene 7 a, and scenes 3-5
Posted By Heather Harvey '11

Act two scene one and act one scene one are both scenes between Willy and Linda, and Justin focused on these first. Willy and Linda have interesting scenes, because Linda is the only person in the play who is fully aware from start to finish the stakes that Willy faces. As a result, there is a certain level of concern and trepidation. We also got through the scene between Willy and his boss; Willy goes to Howard (his employer) to request a change in position and a pay increase, but he leaves very disappointed.

In scenes 3 through 5 of the second act, we see Willy going to his only friend before meeting his sons for dinner, and there is a noticeable change in Happy and Biff's behavior at the restaurant. In this scene, Happy is in his element, but Biff is not in a very festive mood. This scene then leads into another of Willy's flashbacks, which goes on to reveal the demise of his relationship with Biff.

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